Should Hurts being hurt affect his MVP???

Should He Still Receive MVP?: Before Jalen Hurts got hurt, he was the leader for MVP in the NFL. As soon as he got hurt he was not the favorite anymore and people are saying he should not win it. They are saying because he is hurt and might miss the last 3 games of the season, he can not get the award. In my eyes, I do not see why him possibly being out the last three games takes him out of the MVP race. He has been the best player in the NFL this year and missing the last three games does not change that. There was a real possibility that he would end up sitting the last two games if he was not even hurt. If we locked up the one seed against the Cowboys and he was playing he would be sitting. Would that take him out of the MVP race too? It does not make any sense to me.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet tw-align-center"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">MVP Odds Monday morning 🦅<br><br>-Jalen Hurts -125 (favorite)<br>-Patrick Mahomes +165<br><br>MVP Odds after Hurts injury 😬<br><br>-Patrick Mahomes -300 (favorite)<br>-Jalen Hurts +400<a href="">@PointsBetUSA</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Playmaker Betting (@playmakerbet) <a href="">December 22, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

The Same Thing Happened To Wentz: During Wentz's MVP season in 2017, Wentz was the MVP favorite up until he got hurt. Once he got hurt his MVP odds plummeted and the MVP went to Brady. So just because Wentz got hurt and missed the last three games of the season, he was not the MVP anymore. This was crazy to a lot of people because he had a better season than Brady but he still did not get the award.

Hurts Or Mahomes: As for who should win MVP, I think Jalen Hurts should win it over Pat Mahomes. While Pat Mahomes is having an amazing season, Hurts has been the better player overall. Hurts has more rushing yards, rushing touchdowns, and his team has a better record than the Chiefs. Pat Mahomes is putting up a really good case for this MVP, but I think Jalen Hurts has the edge over him this year.

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