Are Maddox and Lane Johnson Going To Be Back?

Who Is injured?: Two of the biggest impact players for the Eagles were injured against the Cowboys🤕. One is arguably the best player on the offensive side of the ball if not the best player on the team and the other one of the best on the defensive side of the ball. Lane Johnson: Sadly Lane Johnson is the player on the offense. He has suffered an abdominal injury that will sideline him for the rest of the regular season and he will need surgery to recover from this injury. But does this mean he is done for the season? How long?: A huge saving grace for the Eagles is that Lane Johnson is going to try and play through the playoffs 💪. To play through that type of injury takes a lot and he might not be able to. but the fact that he is going to try, shows a lot. What about Maddox: Maddox also went out during the Cowboys game, with a toe injury. He was tackling Dak and he hurt is toe when it slammed into the ground. I know a toe injury doesn't sound huge, but toe injuries can be very serious. How Long?: Sadly, this is not as good as the Lane Johnson injury. We do not have a time table for Maddox's return and could be the whole season. This would be a big blow to our defense and does not help our chances. All in All: Injuries are never good, especially this time of year. Hopefully, these key players can return to good health and elite playing before the playoffs. If the Birds secure that bye, that would be huge for injuries.

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